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Mu Mu Nu "Voter Registration" Awareness Program

Charles Stewart

Mar 25, 2023

Mu Mu Nu "Voter Registration" Awareness Program

Theme: Get-Out-The-Vote - September 19, 2023, has been designated as National Voter Registration Day. The Mu Mu Nu Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. has established a collaborative partnership with “The Common Market” and “Harris County MUD 148”, to help bring awareness to our community the importance of Voting. Because voting is habit forming, helping someone register and reminding them to vote in one election can dramatically increase the likelihood that they’ll vote in future elections.

A registered voter is a likely voter. Typically, more than eight of ten registered voters turn out to vote in a presidential election. The more registered voters in your community means more candidates and campaigns will generally pay closer attention this community; because of the high voter registration and turnout rates. This is demonstrated by the more frequent candidate appearances and campaign contacts, including campaign literature, reminders to vote, etc.

Mu Mu Nu Chapter through our collaborative initiative hopes to increase voter participation. As a result of this increased turnout, we hope our community of Friends have better access to elected officials, increased clout, and are in a better position to raise awareness about issues that directly affects our neighborhoods.

As community advocates’, our voter registration awareness program seeks to connect communities and encourage their participation in other ways, such as volunteering for a campaign, contacting an elected official, signing up to be a poll worker, and staying involved in local affairs.

Research has shown that communities that register and vote are more likely to elect representatives that reflect the diversity and interests of their community.

Because of our work, community members can have access to community leaders’ as well as traditional campaigns that are often unable to reach.

The Voter Registration will take place at Harris MUD 12402 Greensbrook Forest from 10:00 Am – 2:00 PM on the following dates: March 25th, April 8th and 22nd, May 13th and 27th, June 10th and 24th

Social Impact: The Collaborative efforts of The Common Market, Harris MUD 148 and Mu Mu Nu Chapter will be over a 7-week period. The program is designed to bring Voter Awareness and register as many non-voters as possible; increasing the voters in our community.

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